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Dutchells Copse playing fields, Horsham
7 May 2019



Chennells Brook Castle


Looking up the A264 towards Moorhead roundabout with Chennells Brook Castle in the foreground


Looking up the A264 towards Moorhead roundabout with Chennells Brook Castle in the foreground


Meadow Farm Lane and Bailey Close


Meadow Farm Lane and Robert Way


Dutchells Copse Playing Field


Dutchells Copse Playing Field


Looking north towards Hurst Hill, with Moathouse Farm in the centre.


Looking north east towards Crawley. Rusper Road is arcing around the bottom left quarter


Looking east towards Roffey Park (top right corner)


A south easterly view across Lemmington Way & Bartholomew Way, with Lambs Farm Road beyond.


Looking south. The field to the right of centre is All Saints Primary School


Looking up Rusper Road towards Littlehaven Station. The level crossing is in the centre of the picture.


A view Across North Heath, with the Holbrook Club in the centre and Dutchells Copse in the foreground.



Looking towards Warnham Millpond (not visible), with Holbrook Primary School just right of centre


Looking west along the A264 towards Great Daux roundabout and Warnham. Warnham Court is visible towards the top left.


North west towards Leith Hill. Holbrook Park is on the very far right, just below centre.


Slight turn to the right, with Holbrook Park in the centre.


Northerly view towards Box Hill


A slight turn to the right with a wider view of Moathouse Farm


Rusper Road roundabout


Rusper Road roundabout and the A264 leading up to Moorhead


A wider view looking south towards Roffey with Chennells Brook Castle in the bottom left corner.


Littlehaven station just above centre and The Holbrook Club to the right.


A wide south westerly view towards Broadbridge Heath


A wide westwards view towards Warnham


Dutchells Copse playing fields.



Text & photographs © Ian Mulcahy. Contact or visit my 'Use of my photographs' page for licensing queries (ground level photographs only)

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