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Horsham Football Club
21 May 2019





Looking north cross Denne Park towards Horsham


Looking north east. Denne Park House is just left of centre. The driving range of Horsham Golf Club is bottom centre.


Looking south east towards Sedgwick Park. If you look very closely on full zoom, you can see the spire of St Hughes Charterhouse (south of Cowfold) just in front of the downs, about three quarters of the way across the photo.


Looking south towards Southwater


Looking south west across the park & ride car park towards Christ's Hospital.


Looking north west at Broadbridge Heath


Looking north across Horsham. St Mary's is visible just above centre.


Looking north east over Denne Park House.


Looking east towards Mannings Heath



Looking south east towards Haywards Heath and Burgess Hill, one of which (not sure which one) is visible close to the top, just left of centre.


Looking south south east. This zoomed picture affords a better view of the spire of St Hughes Charterhouse (south of Cowfold) just in front of the downs, about a quarter away across the picture. Also visible is Lancing college, just to the right of the dip in the downs. A very close look through the same dip will also reveal the wind farm in the English channel.


South towards Southwater


South west


Park and Ride


Christ's Hospital on the right.


Looking west. Christ's Hospital to the left.


Looking north west towards Broadbridge Heath (see right)


A slight turn to the right to face Leith Hill


Back to looking north across Horsham.



Text & photographs © Ian Mulcahy. Contact or visit my 'Use of my photographs' page for licensing queries (ground level photographs only)

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