Shere in Surrey
24 July 2019
Shere Manor House
Looking north west over Shere Manor House. The A25 to Guildford is left of and above centre.
A southerly view across the village
South west, with Upper Street running from the bottom left quarter up to the top right.
Looking south west along Upper Street. The house at Albury Park is top centre.
North west towards Guildford along the A25 over Shere Manor House
A view northwards over the A25
Looking east along the A25 towards Dorking
Looking south east towards Leith Hill
A village view
The eastern side of the village, with the church in the centre.
Looking south west, The house at Albury Park is on the far right towards the top
Lower street running vertically up the photo, just to the left of centre and Upper Street in the bottom right.
Upper Street, with the Middle Street junction in the bottom left.
Looking west
Text & photographs © Ian Mulcahy. Contact or visit my 'Use of my photographs' page for licensing queries (ground level photographs only). |
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