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Target Hill, Broadfield
29 July 2019



Target Hill nature reserve, Hobbs Road and Broadwood Rise in the foreground, Broadfield, Southgate, Town centre, Tilgate and more beyond. The forest at the top right is Tilgate Forest.


Looking up the A264 towards Pease Pottage roundabout. Broadfield to the left.


Cottesmore School and golf course. Just beyond the school building is the radar and water tower.


Buchan Park


Buchan Park and the A264 on the right. Bewbush Manor roundabout can be seen on the far right with Kilnwood Vale beyond.


Kilnwood Vale in the centre of the picture with Bewbush on the right.


Bewbush & Gossops Green. Ifield Millpond is in the centre of the photo. Gatwick airport can be seen top right.


Target Hill nature reserve in the foreground. Above and to the left, the green patch is Holy Trinity playing fields with Woldhurstlea woods behind and to the left.


The green field in the middle is at Seymour Primary with the Barton just to the right. A little way above the Barton is the red roof of the East stand at the Broadfield Stadium. The green minaret of the mosque can be seen just above the trees in the foreground.



Seaford Road (to the left) and Longhurst Road (to the right) across the centre of the photo. Worth and Tilgate forests cover the hills towards the top. The Barton is to the left with the Broadfield stadium above.


The A264 across the corner and Creaseys Drive playing fields and bridge on the left.


Looking east along the A264 towards Pease Pottage roundabout. The Woodgate development, at the top of Parish Lane, is just visible.


Cottesmore School and golf course. Just beyond the school building is the radar and water tower.


  Cottesmore golf course


The southern side of Buchan Park


The centre of Buchan Park


  The northern side of Buchan Park, with the A264 and Kilnwood Vale on the right.


The A264, Kilnwood Vale and the western part of Bewbush.


Bewbush with Ifield West beyond. The Millpond is just visible on the right.


Bewbush, Ifield West beyond and Gossops Green. The millpond is now left of centre and on the far right are Woldhurstlea Woods.


In the centre is Holy Trinity's playing fields, with Woldhurstlea Woods above to the left. In the foreground is Jersey Road, with Bewbush over the Horsham road, which is marked by the line of trees.


Hobbs Road & Bewbush. The end of Plantain Crescent is on the far right.



Across Broadfield with Southgate west on the hill just above the centre and Town centre beyond.


Looking across Bewbush, Ifield and Gossops Green towards Boxhill


A wider angle across most of Broadfield in the foreground and the wider town beyond. Town centre buildings are clearly visible along with the Sandman Hotel and Milton Mount flats further back and the hospital to the left.


Looking east across Broadfield, Tilgate Forest and Worth Forest towards Turners Hill.



Text & photographs © Ian Mulcahy. Contact or visit my 'Use of my photographs' page for licensing queries (ground level photographs only)

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