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Gainsborough Road playing fields, Tilgate
1 August 2019



'Campbell's' Lake at Tilgate Park with Tilgate Forest beyond


A higher view


Looking south west across Tilgate towards K2 (above centre). Behind the leisure centre is Broadfield with Target Hill beyond. to the right of K2 is the Broadfield Stadium. In the top left quarter you can see the development at the top of Parish Lane in Pease Pottage and heading right from there you'll see the radar and water tower at Cottesmore. In the top right quarter is Kilnwood Vale. Titmus Drive runs horizontally across the centre of the picture.


Looking north west across Tilgate and Furnace Green towards the hospital. In the centre on the right is Loppets Road playing fields and The Oaks school.

In the centre close to the top, bathed in sunlight, is the hospital and to the right of that is the Town Centre and all the usual familiar buildings. Gatwick is top right and Leith Hill and Box Hill make up the horizon.


North east across Furnace Green towards Three Bridges Station, which is just above and to the right of centre. Loppets Road playing fields and The Oaks school are to the left of centre and Gatwick is top left. The woods below Gatwick are Hawth Woods. The Paymaster building is a little way above centre and the green area towards the top right is Furnace Green playing fields, with Maidenbower beyond.


Looking south east across the northern part of Tilgate golf course towards Maidenbower, with Worth Forest on the hills beyond. Oriel High, in Maidenbower, is in the top left quarter and immediately below the school is the Marion Road and Forestfield area of Furnace Green. The woods on the left are the site of the old Tilgate Furnace pond.


Looking (almost) south across Tilgate and Worth Forests.


'Campbell's' Lake at Tilgate Park with Tilgate Forest beyond


A slight turn to the right. Smith and Western and the car park are in the centre and the Parish Lane development is above and to the right, close to the top.


Looking south west along Winchester Road towards K2. The radar and water tower at Cottesmore are in the top left quarter.


Looking west towards Ifield. Along the top, Kilnwood Vale is on the left followed by Bewbush and Ifield West. Woldhurstlea Woods, in Gossops Green, are marked by the phone mast at the right side of them. Below Kilnwood Vale is Broadfield and the Broadfield Stadium, far left. Continuing to the right is Southgate, with Southgate West just above. In the foreground is Tilgate, with the Parade right of centre.


Looking north towards the hospital, which is clear just above the centre. Below the hospital is Asda and moving to the right we can see Overline House and the Arora Hotel, with County Mall just behind. Behind the Mall is the Woodhall Duckhams building and beyond that is the Leisure Park. Slightly above and to the right of Overline House is the Yellow sign of the now closed Morrison's at the north end of the High Street. Immediately above the left end of Overline House is the tower of St John's Church.



A slight turn to the right and still looking broadly north, Loppets Road playing fields and The Oaks school are the main focus. The Mall is on the far left close to the top and the College tower is just to the right of the Mall. Between these two, and up a bit, is the Crowne Plaza Hotel at Tushmore. Gatwick is across the top centre and right.


Looking north east across Furnace Green towards the Sandman Hotel at Hazelwick (above centre) and the Paymaster building (just right of centre). Gatwick is across the left side towards the top and in the top right quarter is a plane coming in to land. On the far right is Three Bridges station, with Stephenson Way industrial area just to it's left.


Looking eat towards Maidenbower and Pound Hill. Three Bridges station is on the far left, just above centre, with the main London to Brighton railway line running almost horizontally across the picture. The curved line of trees just above the centre heading towards the top right corner mark the long since defunct Three Bridges to East Grinstead railway line; now Worth Way of course. On the far right, just above centre, is Oriel High, in Maidenbower, with the Marion Road and Forestfield area of Furnace Green just below and the woods that mark the site of the old Tilgate Furnace pond are just below those. The cheese houses to the south of St. Leonard's Drive are just to the right of and below centre.


Looking across Furnace Plain towards Maidenbower, with Worth Forest beyond. Oriel High, in Maidenbower, and the Marion Road and Forestfield area of Furnace Green  are far left of centre.


A slight turn southwards, Maidenbower is across the centre and Tilgate Golf centre is in the bottom right corner.


Looking south east across Tilgate and Worth Forests. The fisherman's car park is bottom right and the golf centre bottom left.


'Campbell's' Lake again.


  'Campbell's' Lake again.


'Campbell's' Lake again. This photo shows how the level of the lake is higher than the residential areas of Tilgate and Furnace Green and demonstrates why it was vital to repair the dam.


A wider view of the same image.



Text & photographs © Ian Mulcahy. Contact or visit my 'Use of my photographs' page for licensing queries (ground level photographs only)

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