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Bennetts Road playing fields, Horsham
20 August 2019



Looking north over Bennetts Road, with Oxford Road (right) and Elm Grove (left) going up the picture.


Looking north east over Forest School. Millais is towards the top left.


Looking south east. Hilliers Garden Centre on the Brighton Road is just above and to the right of centre


Looking south, Kerves Lane is on the left of the photo and Tesco Express (formerly the St Leonard's Arms) is at the very bottom, just left of centre.


South west view, Brighton Road runs across the bottom of the picture and then turns upwards towards town before becoming Queen Street and East Street. Horsham YMCA FC is just above centre behind the allotments and Denne Hill is towards the top on the left. St Mary's spire is to the right and above YMCA.


West towards the Town Centre, Brighton Road/Queen Street/East Street runs up the left of the photo. St Marks Court, over Albion Way, is above centre with Horsham Park to it's right.


Bennetts Road across the bottom and Orchard Road to the right


Orchard Road to the right


Orchard Road to the left and Bennetts Road across the bottom.


North East towards Crawley, which is partially visible through the dip in the landscape. Millais is to the far left and Forest Boys to the right.


Forest Boys School. On the brow of the hill, just to the left of centre, you'll see the radar at Cottesmore, Pease Pottage.



Comptons Lane running up the picture from bottom centre.


Hilliers Garden centre, with the Brighton Road to it's left.


Looking southwards. Kerves Lane is bottom centre


Just a light turn to the right. Kentwyns Drive is on the foreground and Kerves lane is winding up the photo in the top left corner.


South east towards Denne Hill. The nets of the driving range at Horsham Golf & Fitness can be seen in the to left quarter.


St Mary's spire is just above centre and Horsham YMCA FC is to the left of centre. On the right is Brighton Road/Queen Street/East Street and you should spot the Iron Bridge.


St Mary's spire is just above centre to the far left and up the middle is Brighton Road/Queen Street/East Street. Towards the right side, level with St Mary's is St Marks Court and spire with Horsham Park further still to the right. In the top left, you can see the ever expanding Broadbridge Heath.


Brighton Road/Queen Street


Looking north west towards Leith Hill. Horsham Park is above centre and St Marks is to the left. The rear of The Capitol Theatre is slightly above centre, with Sun Alliance's Victoria Street car park's bridge over the railway just to it's right..


The Ciba site is above centre with the railway goods yard below it. Just left of centre is Horsham station. In the foreground, Elm Grove runs diagonally from the bottom left corner. Leith Hill makes up the horizon, with the west end of Box Hill on the right.



Text & photographs © Ian Mulcahy. Contact or visit my 'Use of my photographs' page for licensing queries (ground level photographs only)

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