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Rathlin Road, Broadfield
7 May 2020



A low altitude view across Southgate West towards the Town Centre


The same view as previously from full altitude (380ft). Most Town Centre landmarks are visible, including the college, the hospital, Asda, Overline House, the Aurora Hotel and County Mall.


Southgate Doctors is in the centre of the picture, with the stadium roundabout to the right. Thomas Bennett is on the far right. The white building at the top left is the Paymaster building in Three Bridges.


The Broadfield Stadium, with K2 beyond. Broadfield House is the white building on the right just below the start of the woodland and forest.


A southerly view over Broadfield. The Coachmans Drive/Broadfield Drive roundabout is on the left and the Barton is to the right of and above centre. In the very top left is the new development at Pease Pottage, opposite the services with Tolgate Hill just below and to the right of it.


Western view across Broadfield towards Bewbush, Kilnwood Vale & Horsham. The road running vertically up the centre of the top third of the picture is the A264 with Kilnwood Vale to the right and Bewbush below. The field on the far right is the playing field at Holy Trinity. The building in the foreground is the gated flats at the end of Rathlin Road.


Southgate west is on the right and Cheals roundabout is just to the left of and above centre. The white building towards the top and just right of centre is St Wilfrids and the hospital is towards the top right.


No zoomed in, this is looking south over Broadfield. The Coachmans Drive/Broadfield Drive roundabout is at the bottom and Tolgate Hill is top right. Broadfield House is just to the left of centre.


Another view across Broadfield. The Barton is on the far right of centre and the radar at Cottesmore is just to the right of centre on the horizon. Enfield Road is in the foreground.


The Barton is on the far left of centre and in the middle is Seymour Primary. The roundabout towards the bottom right links Broadfield Drive with Seymour Road and Rathlin Road.


The roundabout is now bottom left and on the far right of centre is the roundabout linking Broadfield Drive to the Horsham Road. In the top right quarter is the southern half of Bewbush, with Kilnwood Vale beyond. The Horsham Road runs vertically up the middle of the top half.


Holy Trinity school is in the centre with Woldhurstlea Woods and Gossops Green beyond to the right and the northern half of Bewbush to the left. The area of the Millpond can be seen a little way beyond the school playing fields along with the path to the pond from the car park at the foot of Gossops Drive, though the pond itself is not visible. Ifield West can be seen beyond that, marked by the line of 4 or 5 tall narrow trees which grow next to the railway line. The pond in the bottom right is that on Broadfield Brook opposite Cheals. Just beyond the pond some cars are waiting at the traffic lights where Buckswood Drive joins the Horsham Road.



Cheals roundabout i sin the centre of the picture with Southgate West in the bottom right quarter and St Wilfrids just appearing on the far right, a little above half way up. ICC, the white building beyond the trees to the left of St Wilfrids, is also visible. Gossops Green is in the top left quarter and the eagle eyed will, on full size, spot Ifield Church in the top right quarter, a little to the right of centre.


The Hospital is clearly visible and Southgate West is in the foreground; Tesco express just right of centre close to the bottom. On the far left is St Wilfrids and just to the right of the school is the new development known as Newtimber Close, next to the old British Legion. To the right of that, the roof of Goffs Park House is just visible.


Darleydale, in Southgate West. Tesco Express is at the top of the picture.


Darleydale is on the right and Dovedale Crescent (and closes) on the left. Cheals roundabout is at the top left and Downland Drive snakes across the top right quarter.


Tesco's at Southgate West in the centre, with Darleydale below. The flats of Hambleton Hill are behind followed by the terraces of Clayton Hill. Just below the hospital, the tower of Masons Hall in Goffs Park Road can be seen. Asda is in the top right corner.


Hilltop Primary School is in the centre of the photo with Caburn Heights below and town centre beyond.


The Half Moon is just below centre, with Southgate beyond. Southgate Primary is in the centre and Southgate playing fields and the Hawth Woods are above and to the left. Behind the Hawth Woods is the white Paymaster building.


Southgate Surgery is at the bottom in the centre and Thomas Bennett playing fields are to the right, with Tilgate beyond.


The Broadfield Stadium, with Thomas Bennett & K2 beyond.


Southgate West



Text & photographs © Ian Mulcahy. Contact or visit my 'Use of my photographs' page for licensing queries (ground level photographs only)

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