An 11.5 mile walk around Weir Wood Reservoir
30 July 2020
There is also a set of aerial photos which were taken from six different locations on this walk and they can be viewed HERE
This clockwise walk started from the (free) Nature Reserve car park in Legheath Lane shortly after 8:00am and we headed straight for the public footpath that joins Legheath Lane with Grinstead Lane via Neylands Farm (now a special school). From here we followed Grinstead Lane over Whillets Bridge and up to Stone Hill House where we turned left along 'Rock Walk' and headed out to the Bluebell Railway bridge just west of Mill Place, a large 16th century Farmhouse which forms part of the Kingscote Estate. After retracing our steps back to Stone Hill, we joined the Sussex Border Path which runs along the northern banks of the reservoir. We did not follow this trail northwards to Busses Farm at the point at which it leaves the waters edge, instead continuing eastwards and then joining the 'Millennium Walk' behind (rather than on, unfortunately) the dam at the eastern end of the reservoir. We then detoured slightly away from the water again to look at the Brambletye ruins, before following what appeared to be a very old track, complete with sandstone flagstones, southwards past Court-in-Holmes and headed back in the direction of the reservoir and South Park Farm. A climb to Mudbrooks House, and a further climb to a great viewing point above an old quarry from where we could see Standen, East Grinstead High Street and Brambletye School followed. The path back to Legheath Lane took us through some lovely rolling countryside and up a VERY steep hill after Alders Moors. A final detour took us down 'Old Road, formerly the southern end of Admirals Bridge Lane prior to the flooding of the valley, to see if we could view any parts of the old submerged road, but unfortunately we were met by gates, barbed wire and threats of 'patrolling security' so returned to the car.
Text & photographs © Ian Mulcahy. Contact or visit my 'Use of my photographs' page for licensing queries (ground level photographs only). |
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